Access to health coverage matters!
Wednesday, January 10th, 2018
When people have access to health coverage and can take care of their medical needs, they are more likely to get needed care, and to be more financially secure and more productive.
Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands of Virginians remain without insurance and are stuck in the health coverage gap because they make too little to qualify for current subsides on the Marketplace and make too much to qualify for our state’s Medicaid program.
And that means many can’t get the care they need to go to work, take care of their kids, and be healthy, productive members of our communities.
Want to learn more about this important issue? Download “How Medicaid Works. A Chartbook for Understanding Virginia’s Medicaid Insurance and the Opportunity to Improve It” now by clicking on the image.
Virginia’s Medicaid program is stingy. We are currently rank 48th in the nation, only 2 states invest less per resident in their Medicaid program. We are better than this. Virginians deserve better than this.
They deserve access to affordable health care.