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Christine E. Marra, Esq.

E: christie@vplc.org

Visit VPLC’s Housing Advocacy Site


In the hierarchy of needs, access to shelter is one of the most important needs to fulfill. The rights of those seeking to obtain or maintain housing requires protection, and in Virginia expansion. Our work focuses on the rights of renters, low-income homeowners, and addressing issues around housing access.

Main Issues

  • Relations between landlords and tenants
  • Fair Housing – Equitable treatment and choice in housing, and access to safe rental housing
  • Relations between sellers and buyers of dwellings, property ownership disputes, protections from scams and predatory lending practices
  • Land use issues (zoning, subdivision ordinances, etc.) and local government policies
  • Government housing programs

Education, Outreach, and other Resources

We provide regular training and technical assistance for legal aid staff and pro bono attorneys, as well as community members and advocates in nonprofit organizations, social service agencies, and elsewhere. We help renters know what they can do to relate with landlords to the benefit of both parties, helping to address problems or to avoid potential problems before they get out of hand.