FACT SHEET: Give Families Time to Pay Rent & Stay Housed

Thursday, January 12th, 2023

Support HB1652 (Delegate Price)/SB (Senator McClellan)


The Problem:

All too often, families are evicted for relatively small amounts of unpaid rent that grow into large sums because of court costs and attorney’s fees. These evictions serve neither tenant nor landlord, as landlords incur extra expenses and work to first pursue an eviction in court and then bring in a new tenant, and evicted families are forced to double up with loved ones or worse.

HB1652/SB’s Solution:

HB1652/SB gives tenants more time to catch up rent before facing eviction. It requires than landlords give tenants a written notice of the rent amount plus late fees due and 14 days to pay or leave before filing an eviction. Current law requires landlords to give tenants only 5 days.

With additional time, tenants are more likely to have received a paycheck or government assistance, allowing them to catch up on rent before they end up in costly eviction proceedings.

 Additional Benefits:

  By slowing down evictions, HB1652/SB will save landlords work and money.

  • Landlords will receive the full amount of rent they are owed instead of spending additional money on court fees to get a judgment they may not be able to collect.


For more information:
Christie Marra: christie@vplc.org, 804-615-8150
Laura Dobbs: laura@vplc.org, 804-955-0470.
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