Health Coverage Enrollment Drive Continues Up to Deadline in Hampton Roads
Tuesday, February 10th, 2015
By Prue Salasky, Daily Press
The drive to enroll the uninsured in Virginia in health coverage through the Affordable Care Act’s marketplace, healthcare.gov, has hit high gear in the days before the Feb. 15 deadline for 2015 coverage.
In addition to the in-person help offered by navigators and application counselors at community health centers and health fairs across the state, a coalition of Peninsula-based health advocates is taking its health insurance outreach and application help to wherever the people are.
Gaylene Kanoyton, director of Celebrate Healthcare, recently took the enrollment message to Ray’s Night Club in the Magnuson Hotel in Newport News, in search of “young invincibles,” the sought-after younger-than-35 demographic.
Published: February 9, 2015