Program Will Help People Navigate ACA Marketplaces

Monday, September 30th, 2013

By Tammie Smith, Richmond Times-Dispatch

Virginians who want help signing up for health insurance in the Affordable Care Act marketplaces will be able to get in-person and telephone assistance from a statewide network of navigators working for a newly developed program called Enroll Virginia!

The Enroll Virginia! website,, and telephone help line are scheduled to go live Tuesday, the start of open enrollment in health plans in the ACA marketplaces.

“We have about 20 navigators statewide,” said Jill Hanken, program director for the Enroll Virginia! project and an attorney with the Virginia Poverty Law Center.

The law center was awarded an approximately $1.3 million federal grant to hire navigators and develop resources to help people enroll in marketplace health plans. The grant was one of two awarded to Virginia organizations to do outreach and enrollment assistance.

Read the full story

Published: September 23, 2013

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