Public Benefits Legislative Update This year, the leadership of the House of Delegates unleashed a series of attacks against SNAP (food stamps) and TANF programs in the name of “welfare reform.” These bills were designed to cut access to both programs resulting in irreparable harm to low-income families across Virginia. VPLC has fought […]
Child & Family 2017 GA UpdateVPLC has been working on two bills, HB1786 and SB1086, which relate to substance-exposed newborns. The bills modify Virginia Code sections 63.2-1505, 63.2-1506, and 63.2-1509. The main purpose of this legislation is to bring Virginia’s code sections in line with changes made last year to the federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA). These […]
Action Needed – Oppose HB2213 -PLEASE CALL TODAY!There are several very disturbing bills pending at the General Assembly that would limit/cut TANF and SNAP (food stamps) benefits. The good news is VPLC has already killed several SNAP bills that would have prohibited waivers of SNAP work requirements in areas of high unemployment/few jobs. The bad news is we are still facing TANF […]
Support Bills That Will Help Keep Vulnerable Children In SchoolLong-term suspensions are harmful to children. Students excluded from school are more likely to experience academic and social deficits, drop out of school, and be at risk for mental health and substance abuse issues. VPLC currently supports HB1534 & HB1536 (Del. Bell) Additionally, we appreciate the following bills SB995 & SB997 (Sen. Stanley); SB1163 (Sen. Reeves); ; as well […]
VPLC Opposes HB 2213VPLC Opposes HB 2213 Because It Would Hurt The Poorest Virginia Families’ Opportunities To Become Self-Sufficient And Independent. Currently, the poorest families in Virginia can receive cash assistance from the TANF program (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) for a maximum of 60 months. The average monthly benefit is just $267, and non-exempt adults are already […]
Line of Credit lenders are out of control and need some reasonable limitsDelegate David Yancey has tried for years to put some reasonable limits on the odious practices of former payday lenders that now evade regulation with their “line of credit” loans. HB 2465 is a common sense Bill that puts some of the same restrictions on these loans that are in place for payday loans: 1. […]
SUPPORT HB 1945PROTECT VIRGINIA’S ADULTS FROM FINANCIAL EXPLOITATION SUPPORT HB 1945 (Peace) The Problem: In the fiscal year 2015 alone, Virginia’s Adult Protective Services (APS) substantiated 1,016 claims of financial exploitation and estimates a potential collective loss of over $28 million. This calculation refers to substantiated claims, but research indicates adult financial exploitation is a significantly […]
Contracts for Military MembersLike everyone else, members of the armed services sign up for gym memberships, internet services, and security systems. What happens when they receive orders to deploy or orders for a permanent change of station? Most providers of these services likely do what’s right and allow the service member to cancel the contract for services without […]
2017 Child Welfare and Family Law BillsThis session, the main priority is a pair of bills, HB1786, and SB1086, relating to substance-exposed newborns. The bills modify Virginia Code sections 63.2-1505, 63.2-1506, and 63.2-1509. The main purpose of the bill is to bring Virginia’s code sections in line with changes made last year to the federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act […]
VPLC supports HB 1851 as a bill that supports victim safety and holds offenders accountable for their crimes.VPLC Supports HB 1851 as Closing a Loophole Available to 1st Offense Domestic Violence Abusers Who Have Benefited from Deferred Sentencing Provisions §18.2-57.3 is the deferred sentencing provision available to first-time domestic violence abusers. It is only available to first-time offenders over 18 years of age who acknowledge that the Commonwealth of Virginia has enough […]
VPLC supports HB 1344 to make it easier on children presenting evidence in courtSometimes it can be very difficult for children to testify in court. For example, a child was willing to testify against his father for (alleged) abuse, but could not do so in open court and instead had a breakdown on the witness stand. It is hard enough for anyone to testify about physical, sexual or […]
VPLC Opposes SB 861 Because It May Have a Chilling Effect on PPO Petitioners Seeking Protection Against an Act of Violence, Force or ThreatPreliminary Protective Orders (PPOs) are emergency orders designed to protect the “health and safety of the petitioner or any family or household member of the petitioner” against an act of violence, force or threat that results in bodily injury or places one in reasonable apprehension of death, sexual assault, or bodily injury. In most jurisdictions […]