HAV Statement on passage of the American Health Care Act by the U.S. House of Representatives

The American Health Care Act adopted by the U.S. House of Representatives would have a devastating impact on Virginians if it becomes law. With no independent analysis of the most recent version, the House rushed this through without a full idea of its cost or how many people will now lose coverage. But with many […]

Healthcare For All Virginians 2017 Platform

HEALTHCARE FOR ALL VIRGINIANS 2017 PLATFORM VPLC is part of the Healthcare for All Virginians coalition and below is the coalition’s 2017 Platform. Both President-Elect Trump and the Republican Caucus in Congress have promised to drastically change many of the health programs that millions of Americans rely on.  In addition to plans to “repeal and […]

Why does VPLC work so hard on health insurance issues?

Why does VPLC work so hard on health insurance issues?   For the third year in a row, VPLC and our many allies tried but failed to get Virginia to close the health insurance coverage gap .  Why do we keep working so hard on this?  Take a look at this video and then try […]

How can Virginia celebrate the Medicaid 50th anniversary? – Closing the Coverage Gap

On its 50th anniversary, it’s important to remember that the Medicaid program has helped make millions of Americans healthier by improving access to preventive and primary care and by providing care for serious diseases. Medicaid also covers most of the nursing home and other long term care services needed by Americans. In Virginia, about one […]

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