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Valerie L’Herrou, Esq.

T: (804) 782-9430 ext. 201 | F: (804) 649-0974 | E:



At VPLC, we examine Virginia’s family and child welfare laws and policies and consider their impact on families and children. Our work with various stakeholder organizations, and our advocacy in the legislature, seeks to improve outcomes for those involved in these matters, while protecting essential rights.

Main Policy Issues

  • Foster Care and Adoption
  • Kinship Care
  • Child and spousal support laws
  • Divorce, custody, and visitation laws

Education, Outreach and Other Resources

We provide training to legal aid and pro bono attorneys, lay advocates and members of the public on basic family law, including custody, visitation and support. We give seminars to youth who are aging out of foster care, and provide a variety of materials to help in transition among all family law-related issue areas.