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VPLC does not provide direct legal representation except in very limited matters when referred by a local legal aid program. Please call (866) 534-5243 to find your local legal aid office.


Contact the VPLC Helpline at 800-868-VPLC (800-868-8752) to connect with assistance. You can also reach any of VPLC’s helplines directly by contacting the numbers below: 

Those who are deaf and/or hard of hearing may call 7-1-1 to reach any of these numbers through Virginia Relay.

Other Resources

General Legal Resources is a Virginia Partnership for Equal Justice Website Project. It is an ambitious attempt by Virginia legal aid offices and their partners to provide complete, accurate, up-to-date information on poverty law issues in an interactive and easily accessible format. The intent is to allow access to this information by legal aid attorneys, pro bono attorneys, clients, advocates and providers of services to legal aid’s traditional client base.

A resource for advocates and others who do pro bono work in the community. The site includes brief banks for legal aid and pro bono attorneys handling poverty law cases, a library of training and CLE materials, a calendar of monthly training and other opportunities, relevant news stories, volunteer opportunities, as well as listservs for those listserv members who want to post relevant discussion topics so that other attorneys, staff, and advocates can respond and provide feedback.

Lawyer Referral Service

Access to Justice: Free and Low-Cost Legal Resources in Virginia

Virginia Public Defender Offices

Who Is My Legislator?

The Community Tax Law Project

The Community Tax Law Project (CTLP) provides free legal help to Virginia’s low wage families and individuals experiencing economic harm because of a tax problem. Their services directly strengthen the financial stability of working families and ensure that all Virginians receive fair and equal treatment in tax disputes.