The Virginia Poverty Law Center is pleased to announce our new Statewide Senior Legal Helpline. The helpline is made possible through a partnership with the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services. Funding was made possible through the Legal Assistance Systems grant from the Administration on Community Living. The toll-free number (844-802-5910) is now available for […]
Virginia Legal Aid Programs Kick Off Expanded Services to Victims of CrimeOn June 13th, new and experienced legal aid staff members funded by grants from the federal Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) will converge in Richmond to share information, resources and obtain training. Through VOCA funds newly made available to legal aid programs, Virginia’s legal aid agencies will provide increased and more comprehensive services to domestic […]
HAV Statement on passage of the American Health Care Act by the U.S. House of RepresentativesThe American Health Care Act adopted by the U.S. House of Representatives would have a devastating impact on Virginians if it becomes law. With no independent analysis of the most recent version, the House rushed this through without a full idea of its cost or how many people will now lose coverage. But with many […]
VPLC’s Kathy Pryor received the Darrel Tiller Mason Excellence in Advocacy AwardVPLC’s own Kathy Pryorreceived the disAbility Law Center’s highest award at their Liberty and Justice for ALL Annual Gala. Kathy received the Darrel Tiller Mason Excellence in Advocacy Award tonight for her advocacy on behalf of the elderly and disablede’re proud to work with such an amazing attorney advocate and leader. Read Kathy’s gracious […]
New VPLC Study Released: The Myth of Virginia’s Rate UtopiaReport Release Today VPLC’s Affordable Clean Energy Project released its first report “The Myth of Virginia’s Rate Utopia: A Comparison of Rates, Bill, and Riders” This report grapples with the disconnect between Virginia’s low electric rates, but the feeling many people have of high electric bills. We created this report to help ourselves and […]