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Final Settlement in Class Action Suit Pays Hundreds of Millions from Illegal Internet Lending SchemesGibbs v. Elevate, Gibbs v. Stinson, Brice v. Stinson The US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia this week approved a settlement in the last of nine class action lawsuits against entities that sought to evade state and federal law by making extremely high-interest internet loans in Virginia and other states. The August […]
Hundreds of Richmond Renters Get a Crash Course on Legal RightsA Community Education and Engagement Specialist with VPLC’s Housing Advocacy team recently learned of emerging problems at the Pointe at River City apartment complex in Eastern Henrico County. After hearing about some of the issues facing tenants, the advocacy team spent a Friday afternoon combing through records at Henrico General District court. They discovered that more […]
Update from VPLC’s Housing Advocacy Team: Support Tenants’ Rights During 2021 Session2021 legislative session starts today. Join us in supporting policies that improve rights and opportunities for tenants. Dear fellow housing advocates, It’s the first day of the 2021 legislative session, and we’re excited to continue our advocacy to defend, preserve, and enhance opportunities for low-income Virginians! We hope you will join us this session in support […]
Eviction Spotlight: Vietnam War vet faces eviction over PTSD-triggered confrontation with property managerAt VPLC, we witness many landlords taking advantage of low-income Virginians through our Eviction Legal Helpline. The Eviction Spotlight series seeks to shed light on these stories. Mr. Bell,* a longtime resident of Richmond, is a resourceful Vietnam war veteran who suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other ailments from his service in combat. […]
Eviction Spotlight: Senior woman faces eviction from landlord over missing rent from housing authorityAt VPLC, we witness many landlords taking advantage of low-income Virginians through our Eviction Legal Helpline. The Eviction Spotlight series seeks to shed light on these stories. Ms. White* is an African American senior citizen living on her own in a home she can afford because she has a Section 8 voucher. The home is […]
Eviction Spotlight: Landlord illegally hauls woman’s mobile home into a vacant field on Easter weekendWe often hear that tenants are the problem when it comes to evictions and that landlord harassment only comes from a few “bad apples,” but we witness many landlords taking advantage of low-income Virginians through our Eviction Legal Helpline. The Eviction Spotlight series seeks to shed light on these stories. Delmy* owns her mobile home […]
Eviction Spotlight: Disabled Vietnam veteran faces eviction after Social Security check arrives lateWe often hear that tenants are the problem when it comes to evictions and that landlord harassment only comes from a few “bad apples,” but we witness many landlords taking advantage of low-income Virginians through our Eviction Legal Helpline. The Eviction Spotlight series seeks to shed light on these stories. Paul* is a disabled Vietnam […]
Eviction Spotlight: Getting evicted for criminal history related to untreated disabilitiesWe often hear that tenants are the problem when it comes to evictions and that landlord harassment only comes from a few “bad apples,” but we witness many landlords taking advantage of low-income Virginians through our Eviction Legal Helpline. The Eviction Spotlight series seeks to shed light on these stories. Linda* lives in apartments along […]
Eviction Spotlight: Being forced out after filing a Tenant’s Assertion based on unlivable conditionsWe often hear that tenants are the problem when it comes to evictions and that landlord harassment only comes from a few “bad apples,” but we witness many landlords taking advantage of low-income Virginians through our Eviction Legal Helpline. The Eviction Spotlight series seeks to shed light on these stories. Tara*, a section 8 voucher […]
Eviction Spotlight: Chesterfield mother of three faces writ of possession executed against judgmentWe often hear that tenants are the problem when it comes to evictions and that landlord harassment only comes from a few “bad apples,” but we witness many landlords taking advantage of low-income Virginians through our Eviction Legal Helpline. The Eviction Spotlight series seeks to shed light on these stories. Laura’s* most recent Unlawful Detainer […]
Eviction Spotlight: Getting evicted after reporting sexual assaultWe often hear that tenants are the problem when it comes to evictions and that landlord harassment only comes from a few “bad apples,” but we witness many landlords taking advantage of low-income Virginians through our Eviction Legal Helpline. The Eviction Spotlight series seeks to shed light on these stories. Mary*, a 70-year-old woman renting […]
Eviction Spotlight: Getting evicted after going to the pressWe often hear that tenants are the problem when it comes to evictions and that landlord harassment only comes from a few “bad apples,” but we witness many landlords taking advantage of low-income Virginians through our Eviction Legal Helpline. The Eviction Spotlight series seeks to shed light on these stories. Darrin Perry, a single father […]
Eviction Spotlight: Virginia passed legislation this year to reduce evictions, but the problem is far from solved.We often hear that tenants are the problem when it comes to evictions and that landlord harassment only comes from a few “bad apples,” but we witness many landlords taking advantage of low-income Virginians through our Eviction Legal Helpline. The Eviction Spotlight series seeks to shed light on these stories. In Wise County, a mother […]