The Virginia Food Access Coalition (VFAC) has released an updated version of the Virginia Roadmap to End Hunger for 2024. It covers the coalition’s (including VFAC member VPLC) work and goals surrounding child nutrition, emergency allotments, the farm bill, community food access, and more. A few fast facts from the roadmap: End of pandemic-era programs […]
Parents Need Better Legal ProtectionParents need better legal representation When it comes to child dependency cases, judges say they cannot find attorneys willing to take cases. Parents say attorneys don’t take their calls and don’t advocate for them in court. Virginia is ranked 47th out of 50 states in finding a permanent family for children who otherwise age out […]
VPLC on Pod Virginia: Fighting Predatory Landlords, Lenders, and RealtorsVPLC’s Jay Speer and Christie Marra appeared on Pod Virginia this week to discuss VPLC’s legislative agenda and advocacy around ending junk fees and protecting renters. Listen below or on Apple Podcasts:
Stop the Spread of Junk FeesProtect Virginia Consumers: Vote YES on SB 388 (Pekarsky) TAKE ACTION! Please contact the legislator who represents you in the House of Delegates and urge them to vote yes on SB 388. Tell them about the worst junk fees you have seen! This bill requires the disclosure of all mandatory fees and charges included in […]
LEGISLATION ALERT! Don’t Keep Virginians in the DarkKeep the Lights on for Virginians Experiencing Hard Times VPLC supports HB906 (Shin) and SB480 (Aird), which aim to introduce safeguards around utility shut-offs. Learn more about VPLC’s legislative agenda and get involved HERE. Update: This legislation has passed through the House, next it will be considered by the Senate. Legislative Overview Lower-income households spend […]
Legislation Tackles Much-Needed Minimum Wage IncreaseA proposal to incrementally increase the state’s minimum wage, from $12 to $15 hourly advanced through a Senate committee this week. The legislation, carried by Sen. Louise Lucas of Portsmouth, may fare well in both chambers, as Democrats now control both the Senate and House of Delegates. What it costs to live in Virginia “Economic […]
Untangling Virginia’s Unemployment Insurance OverpaymentsVIDEO! Attorney Flannery O’Rourke explains the problems…and the solutions. Note: see General Assembly legislative updates on the issue below this post by Flannery O’Rourke, Esq. Unemployment insurance can sometimes feel more like a tangled web than a safety net. Some claimants even remain entangled in Virginia’s unemployment insurance system long after their claim ends. Retroactive […]