By Barbara Diggs, Fox Business Don’t Risk Your Car With Title Loans Like payday loans, car title loans are small, short-term loans that come with a triple-digit annual interest rate. But while payday loans are secured with a postdated check, title lenders hold the title of the borrower’s vehicle — and a copy of the keys — […]
Debt Collection Defenses Training on May 10What defense should you consider when a client is being sued for a debt? What if the plaintiff is a debt buyer? What about counterclaims and attorneys fees? Join us on May 10 at Housing Opportunities Made Equal in Richmond, VA for this debt collection defenses seminar and learn new and/or better ways to assist […]
Many Virginia Hospitals Offer Free & Discounted Health ServicesBy Monique Coppola, Public News Service-VA Medical costs remain the nation’s No. 1 cause of bankruptcies, and for many of Virginia’s poorest people, health issues take a back burner to essentials such as food and shelter. However, an attorney with Virginia Poverty Law Center says more help is available than some people realize. Jill Hanken […]
Mortgage Settlement Relief Will Take MonthsPredatory scammers are hard at work, falsely claiming to have an inside track to getting help from the National Mortgage Settlement. They are working the phones and the Internet, trying to entice desperate people to pay money in exchange for mortgage relief. DON’T BE A VICTIM. The Virginia Poverty Law Center advises you to ignore […]
Violence Against Women Act Saving Lives & Money in VAMore victims of sexual assault, stalking and dating violence are coming forward and receiving the help they need, statistics show, and the criminal-justice system now is better equipped to protect them and hold perpetrators accountable. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and groups in Virginia are highlighting the importance of the federal Violence Against Women […]
VPLC’s 2012 Legislative ReviewWith another General Assembly session behind us, the staff at the Virginia Poverty Law Center (VPLC) has had some time to reflect on what our advocacy work means and why it matters. Regardless of which political party holds a majority in the state legislature, and in spite of the often negative rhetoric that comes with […]