The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a federally funded, cash assistance program that had a $136 million surplus at the end of FY 2018. A proposed budget amendment in the Virginia Senate would use a very small portion of that surplus to increase TANF benefits for families by five percent and would address several […]
Legislators Choose E-Loan Sharks Over Their Constituents and Legitimate Virginia LendersThis year, VPLC teamed up with Virginia Consumer Finance Companies and the Attorney General of Virginia to support legislation introduced by Senators Surovell and Saslaw and Delegate Yancey to impose restrictions on loans made by out-of-state lenders to Virginians. Unfortunately, these bills were rejected, and some legislators that voted for this legislation last year switched […]
Keep New Funding for Adult Protective ServicesOppose Budget Amendment Item 334 #1s Item 334 #1s removes $100,000 from the Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) Adult Protective Services budget. Without this funding, Adult Protective Services (APS) will not be able to increase staffing in its statewide office. The statewide office provides direct support to local department of social services’ APS […]
The economy is doing great. So why doesn’t it feel like it?The media have been arguing about who should get credit for the “booming” economy: Trump or Obama. But if the economy is “booming,” then: Why are so many people living paycheck to paycheck?—78% of workers according to a recent report. Why are seven million Americans three months behind on their car payments? How do you […]
The Costly Price of Long-Term CareWith our population aging and living longer, long-term care is growing increasingly more expensive—and the prices are staggering. A private room in a nursing home now costs consumers more than $8,000 per month, or $97,455 per year, according to The Genworth Cost of Care Survey. A semi-private room is less expensive but still carries a […]
Crossover Report | 2019 General AssemblyTuesday, February 5, 2019, was “Crossover Day” in the General Assembly—the last day for bills to be heard in the Senate or House of Delegates before crossing over to the other chamber for review. Check out our 2019 Crossover Report to learn more about the bills we support, oppose, and monitor. Take Action! We need your help […]
Remembering Lillie A. EstesOur hearts are heavy with the news of Lillie A. Estes’ passing. We at VPLC send our condolences to Lillie A.’s family, and we mourn the loss of a remarkable leader. Lillie A. was a dedicated VPLC board member for more years than we can remember. She played an integral role in VPLC’s Advocates for […]